Thursday, July. 24/07/2014 20:31
Yesterday was supposed to be the day AriaFams gather and make memories. It got cancelled yet again. I wasn't angry, just sad. I've waited long enough, you know? Damn.
Saturday, July. 26/07/2014 17:03
I am currently sitting on a couch on my father's grandparent's home, around 500 km away from my house. I'm supposed to live here for around a week to participate in traditions or something.
Its been a grueling 18 hours. Sitting on my butt (almost) without moving my leg until they felt numb. Food and internet shortage. Sleep deprivation. But its all worth it, really.
When I got here, the first thing that I realized is this place is filled with cool breeze. Feels like paradise, away from global warming. Second, the internet connection is twice as fast compared to my house. And the water is freezing here.
I departed at around 14:00 yesterday and got here at around 09:00 this morning. With only little time to rest, we immediately unpacked and got a bath then we were on our way to the hospital. My cousin's father is diagnosed with stroke or something, and today he was supposed to get a check up. When I met him, I saw stitches on the back of his head, and the top seemed to be swollen, filled with blood I guess. He had a surgery- if I'm not mistaken- to drain the blood out from his skull cavity. They had to cut his skull or something. Its not a pretty sight, I got freaking goosebumps. I might sound like I'm exaggerating, but still...
The internet here is pretty damn fast, I got myself into a download spree 5 minutes ago before my laptop needs to be charged. This is not what I had expected. I thought its going to be slow as hell, but it proved me wrong. Its going to be pretty slow when I'm on road trips and when I'm visiting my great grandparent's grave, though.
My family forgot to bring power outlets so we can only charge one thing at a time. The second option is to spread around the house to find other outlets. And the house is pretty big. Not as big as a mansion or something but maybe at least its twice the size of my house.
Sunday, July. 27/07/2014 22:48
Staying here makes me feel like a kid again. A feeling I thought I had forgotten. Did I say the water is freezing here?
Today was (for the most part) a lazy day. We've done nothing. I just play games on my PSP and watch YouTube all day on my phone. This afternoon, however, I was asked to help setup the dining place- I was asked to lift a table with dad. Move it into its place and stuff. The wood on the table felt kinda rough to the touch, my left hand hurts because of the heavy lifting. I thought I got a cut from the rough surface, but I didn't.
Its almost 11 now and there's almost no light at all in the house. In my room, there's just phone screen light and air conditioning LED light. I forgot how creepy this house can be at night- hell, this neighborhood itself is creepy without sufficient lighting. Tomorrow, we're gonna meet up with our relatives.
God gave us hot cousins to test us. No, not the male ones, the female ones. I've got many girl cousins but they're all way older than me. I've already got someone in mind anyway, so whatever.
Have I told you that my family- the four of us, are sleeping in one room? Me and my brother are technically sleeping on the floor, if its not for these thin beds. Mom and dad sleeps on the king bed. We're sleeping in dad's sister's bedroom.
I've gotta get up early tomorrow for idul fitri prayer, so I'm gonna sleep now. But I think its way too late, its already 11.
Tuesday, July. 29/07/2014 23:10
Me and my cousin are sleeping in the same bed. Nah, he's a guy. I can't sleep for some reason, so I decided to write instead even though I don't know what to write.
He's sleeping on my right side. I don't know if he's really sleeping though, or just laying there, trying to look like he's sleeping. You know, last year when I was here, this happened too. He slept on my left. This time, I'm the one who's awake and he's sleeping. Last year, when I was sleeping, he was chatting on Skype.
I am tired, but I can't sleep. What the hell is this...
This seems weird.
You know, I think I've been forced to be more social than I usually was. All these relatives I barely know came like a flashflood and washed me with torrents of interactions. From what happened yesterday, all I can remember is there were these two girls, or women, that came and talked to me and my brother instead of our elders. Aunt Icha and Yesi. Aunt, mind you. But they look like highschool girls, especially Yesi. Bluntly speaking, she's hot.
He's awake.
Wednesday, July. 30/07/2014 00:14
Yeah, long story short, we had a "who can be silent the longest contest" and I lost. Now, we're both on our phones.
Continuing the story above. Both Icha and Yesi are supposed to be my aunts, but they don't look like it. Icha is a big, chubby and outgoing women, doesn't act her age at all. Yesi, she's beautiful but talks less than what seems to be her sister. They don't look like anything that can be described as an aunt, really.
They talked to me and my brother about our education, what university we're aiming for. This conversation is common subject among relatives, but we're talking about it as if we're the same age. With jokes and stuff. Actually, my brother does most of the talking. I only talk about what needs to be said and some small jokes. I passed almost all question to my brother.
I've been watching anime because I can't sleep. The laptop died halfway through the episode, what a drag. I can't even remember which one it was.
I took a piss. When I got out, I heard noises. At first I thought it was water dripping, but then I realized its from the TV room, its from the TV. It was granddaddy. I thought he fell asleep while watching TV, I remembered seeing him there before going to my room at 10. I asked him what's going on, he said he was just watching TV after pissing. Why didn't he go to sleep? He didn't fell asleep either like I had thought previously. When I approached him silently, he pointed his flashlight at me, meaning he must be awake.
Regardless, he told me to get some rest. So I got back and write this. Weird stuff, man. Anyway, I'm gonna crash the bed now. If I can.
Right after the sun reached its peak on top of my head, I'm starting to get a bit disoriented. The effect of taking only three hours of sleep has taken its toll on me. I survived, however. Tomorrow, we're going to the graves of our ancestors so I need to sleep early. Let's see if I can.
Saturday, August. 02/08/2014 09:38
I got a cold yesterday right after Friday prayer, and this morning I woke up with a killer migraine I guess.
Last night AriaFams got into a random chat spree. We talked about how our gathering on the 3rd is canceled. About how Audrey said she's going to move out to some place after her graduation because of her father. About pizza. About an Avatar the legend of Aang parody. Wishing Jane to be able to afford a nice cellphone. And some other stuff that I can't put in English.
Last night I realized something, Angel and I have more things in common than I am with Audrey. Probably because she asked me about a lot of things, about the stuff I like. And because I forced Star Wars and X-Men onto her.
Well, in the end she likes both of them. But still, forcing something onto someone isn't right. It doesn't matter from what point of view you see it, its unjustifiable. You know what they say, "if you have to use force, its rape."
But what if I was to be with her? Probably not. I might get my life sucked outta me. An active and social lifestyle doesn't fit me well. I imagined myself as a doll, with her dragging me along wherever she goes.
Today I'm going home but dad's car is having problems. My phone battery is dying too. So, until next time.
Monday, August. 04/08/2014 09:15
After 32 hours on the road, I'm finally home. No time to rest, though. I only got 5 hours of sleep last night. I'm so incredibly tired right now, you wouldn't even believe me. I'll try to stay active through the day. I'm currently at school now.
At home, the air is so freaking hot in comparison to my grandparents' place. And the water isn't as cold. The internet isn't as fast. I sweat through my jacket as if I just jumped to a pool with full clothing. But man, it feels good to be home.
Tuesday, August. 05/08/2014 10:38
Its been only 2 days of school and I'm already fed up with it. I can't keep with the curriculum. I can't focus in class. I can't study, I don't want to. I don't know anymore.
I look around me and I see more "troubled teens" than "kids with special needs." This isn't a place to help kids with disabilities anymore, its a containment area for troubled teens.
I might not write anything for a while. Take care.